關於手提電腦既鍵盤問題 , 急 ; 20 分

2008-04-15 5:16 am
我琴晚用緊部 notebook 時 , 唔覺意 click 左 d 制 ,
( 我係唔小心 'hi' 到唔知咩制 )
之後就系打字方面怪怪地 ,
明明打 'f' ,, 佢就打左 'fv' ,
打 'a' , 就打左 'az' ,

我打中文方面都有問題 ,
我用速成打中文既 ,
我明明打 '十' , 個畫面就打左 '十一' 出黎 ,
我打 '木' , 畫面就打左 '木金' ,

點算呀 ?!
我而家係有電腦都用唔到呀 ,
請各位幫幫我 .

回答 (1)

2008-04-22 8:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
If you have an external keyboard you can try to connect it and see if the same problem exist, if the same problem happen then you will know it's not your keyboard problem. It may be the setting you have accidentally hit, try get in the control panel, and the regional and language options and check the language setting, maybe you will find out what happen. Hope your problem will be fixed soon.

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 22:51:20
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