
2008-04-15 4:18 am



回答 (2)

2008-04-17 7:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The film describes a galaxy far far way, the battles between the Jedi knights, protector of peace and righteousness, and various evil forces in the galaxy. The Jedi knight is a order of people who possesses extreme gifts. After a series of selection process,
they began their training at a young age aiming to understand an use the Force. A trained Jedi knight can move objects, control minds and even predict the future. As they can predict the future they are excellent fighters as they can predict their opponent's next move.

2008-04-17 11:41:36 補充:
Star Wars 個 setting 其實係佐治魯卡斯 (George Lucas) 想寫一個法生係太空的歌劇 (Space Opera) 他 的故事是參考沙士比亞(Shakespeare)的有名劇目—王子復仇記 (Hamlet)

我好鐘意 Star Wars,部份翻譯仲係來自片中。所以一定啱。

想問吓答案001 到底有冇睇過 Star Wars? 如果睇過一定唔會譯成咁…唔好用翻譯網害人啦
參考: 我自已- 絕對冇用翻譯軟件
2008-04-15 5:07 am
This piece of description in a very long before remote Milky Way, the shoulder maintenance peace just mission waged the struggle with each kind of evil influence the story.the warrior is a crowd has the extraordinary talent person, through each kind of screening, they starts in the childhood to accept the special training, its objective is the understanding and the use “the motive power” (Force).Well-trained may use “the motive power” omnipresent the motion object, will control other people thought even to forecast the future.Because they may forecast is going to occur matter, for instance match next movement, therefore the warrior has extraordinary wrestle ability

大 致 系 咁 la..
我 作 滴 `
所 以 可 能 0岩..
可 能 吾 0岩`

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