
2008-04-15 3:42 am
企鵝點保護自己同佢D BB?

回答 (3)

2008-04-15 4:40 am
7 月中,小皇帝企鵝破殼誕生。不過,牠們一出世便要受捱餓之苦:企鵝爸爸已沒進食多時,根本沒有多餘的食物分給小企鵝,只能以胃中的分泌物來餵養牠們;如果企鵝媽媽又趕不及回來的話,小企鵝便會活活餓死。




在父母及保姆的悉心照料之下,小皇帝企鵝茁壯地成長;出生不到 1 個月便可獨自行走及遊玩。不過,南極氣候惡劣,加上天敵的襲擊,令小企鵝的生存率並不高,只有20-30% 。


2008-04-14 20:42:03 補充:
In mid-July, on the birth of the emperor penguins broken shell. However, they will be subject to a hunger born of hardship: Penguin father has not eating for a long time, there is no surplus of food distributed to the small penguins, and can only stomach, the secretion to feed them;

2008-04-14 20:42:27 補充:
If Mom and penguins miss home, small penguins will be starved to death.

Penguin feeding mothers return, only to hear the call of the husband and children, they will be able to correctly identify the location.

2008-04-14 20:42:48 補充:
Penguin mother was feeding ruminant small penguins, after the birth of their first taste of Dayton feast.

Emperor penguins back shortly after his mother, father put penguins creches responsibility to his wife and then to the ocean to feed.

2008-04-14 20:43:02 補充:
In fact, even on hard to hatching and nursing career, has been the Penguin's father depressed weight 20-40多pounds, therefore, must be consumed as soon as possible in order to maintain life.

2008-04-14 20:43:52 補充:
Since then, parents of small penguins take turns penguins from custody, and sometimes they will be neighbors to take care of small penguins, penguins nanny care from a group of several small penguins, penguin parents to facilitate feeding and strengthening the protection of small penguins.

2008-04-14 20:44:04 補充:
Parents and taken care of the nanny, the emperor penguins of small and robust growth; was born less than a month and will be walking alone play. However, the Antarctic weather, coupled with natural enemies attack, the survival rate of small penguins is not high, only 20-30 per cent.

2008-04-14 20:44:32 補充:
Antarctic into early summer, about three small penguins on, parents can follow to the ocean feeding; question midsummer advent of small penguins grow fullness of feathers, we will officially lead an independent life.
參考: yahoo
2008-04-15 3:50 am

Penguins form monogamous pairs for a breeding season, though the rate the same pair recouples varies drastically. Most penguins lay two eggs in a clutch, though the two largest species, the Emperor and the King Penguins, only lay one.[4] The parents cooperate in caring for the clutch and the young. During the cold season on the other hand the mates separate for several months to protect the egg. Usually, the male stays with the egg and keeps it warm while the female goes to sea to find food for the baby. When the female comes back, they switch roles.

Penguin eggs are smaller than any other bird species when compared proportionally to the weight of the parent birds; at 52 grams, the Little Penguin egg is 4.7 % of its mothers' weight, and the 450 gram Emperor Penguin egg is 2.3 %.[4] The relatively thick shell forms between 10 and 16% of the weight of a penguin egg, presumably to minimise risk of breakage in an adverse nesting environment. The yolk, too, is large, and comprises 22-31% of the egg. Some yolk often remains when a chick is born, and is thought to help sustain it if parents are delayed in returning with food.[5]

When mothers lose a chick, they sometimes attempt to "steal" another mother's chick, usually unsuccessfully as other females in the vicinity assist the defending mother in keeping her chick. In some species, such as Emperor Penguins, young penguins assemble in large groups called crèches .
2008-04-15 3:48 am




到了春天,雄企鵝看著腳下的小BB,雖然辛苦歷過寒冬,但一切都值得的! 這時母企鵝也已回到丈夫和剛出生的BB身邊,接下來的日子,便到母企鵝餵養小企鵝,雄企鵝去海中覓食至夏天前,回去和母企鵝交換位置......



但企鵝爸爸, 在零下幾十度之下,

小心保護未出生的子女, 默默等待妻子回來,

參考: me

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