有什麼points是關於”Eating out is BAD for you?”

2008-04-15 2:37 am
有什麼points是關於"Eating out is BAD for you?"


回答 (3)

2008-04-15 5:29 am
✔ 最佳答案

High calories which make you gain weight.
High in fat which you higher risk having heart attack.
High in sodium: sodium retain water in your body, your body will have water weight, also if you blood pressure is high, then you should lower your sodium intake.
High in sugar; reducing your sugar intake will help you reduce your calories intake, and make your teeth more helathy.
In restaurants, many of the dishes are fried, which is high calories and high in fat.
Some restaurants use lard, butter or margarine: high cholesterol, not good for your heart.
Many restaurants don't use lean meat, too much saturated fats, bad news for your heart.
Many restaurants use products with trans fat, such as : bread, cookies, chips, pies, cakes..... not good for your heart.
2008-04-15 3:26 am

2008-04-15 3:20 am
唔healthy lo~
浪費金錢 .... haha! I am Lok ping

2008-04-14 19:48:01 補充:

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