連租約買入物業, 何時可跟租客商討退租

2008-04-15 1:36 am
我剛連租約購買了物業, 我己交了大訂, 樓價尾數未付。物業死約租期還有2個月, 生約還有1年,有下列問題:

i.) 怎樣去介定我何時為新業主? 是交大訂日, 還是支付樓價尾數日?

ii.) 我現在可不經代理, 自行聯絡租客嗎?

iii.) 中介代理沒有給租客資料我, 他們要何時前給予我聯繫資料?

iv.) 若雙方自願情況下, 我可否和租客在死約租期前簽訂退租書?

v.) 從那時開始租金屬於本人呢? (是交大訂日, 還是支付樓價尾數日?)

vi.) 若他不願退租, 死約期後, 我可怎樣收回樓宇呢?

回答 (1)

2008-04-15 1:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
我剛連租約購買了物業, 我己交了大訂, 樓價尾數未付。物業死約租期還有2個月, 生約還有1年,有下列問題:

i.) 怎樣去介定我何時為新業主? 是交大訂日, 還是支付樓價尾數日?
Ans: After you paid all the charges such as the Stamp Duty, Lawyer Charges etc as well as you received the Flat Document.

ii.) 我現在可不經代理, 自行聯絡租客嗎?
Ans: You can try but which is no use. You shall ask the original owner to inform the change and let them know the rental contract is TRANSFERRED to you on DDMMYYYY.
iii.) 中介代理沒有給租客資料我, 他們要何時前給予我聯繫資料?
Ans: Once the transection is completed, you shall have the rental contract on your hand. However, you shall ask the agent in advance to see are there any special terms in the rental contract.

iv.) 若雙方自願情況下, 我可否和租客在死約租期前簽訂退租書?
Ans: Yes

v.) 從那時開始租金屬於本人呢? (是交大訂日, 還是支付樓價尾數日?)
Ans: Once you confirmed the Flat transferred to your name, it is yours. You may need the law firm to help you to calculate the month proportion rent to you, for the same issue, you also need to paid in proportion for the management charge, government rate and land rent etc.

vi.) 若他不願退租, 死約期後, 我可怎樣收回樓宇呢?
Ans: Normally, in the rental contract, it shall stated that the owner as well as the resident of the flat can officially inform the opposite side at the 11th month for the termination of the rental contract. That means ONE Month notice. However, some contract is for the resident favor and only the resident can issue the notice within the 2 years contract.
Finally, you have ask the original owner for the Rental Contract Copy for details. Meanwhile the properties agent shall clarify for you as they did receive the service charge.

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