✔ 最佳答案
Regarding the rubber band in black, white and red (for A/C/D style), since it is required to match the colour with the main fabric, so we need lab dip. After discussion with boss, the cost of lab dip should be borne by you at HK$300 per colour. We will issue the debit note to you soon. Thanks You.
In addition, we need to order 300kg more of the white fabric, would you please order directly at your side to the supplier? Since we have not yet received your P.O. and our boss does not want too much leftover in warehouse. We will give you the calculation of the usage of bulk fabric, and the leftover will be purchased by you.
Please send us your order a.s.a.p. Please understnad that we have not yet received the bulk production figures, so we cannot proceed the order of materials, and may not catch up with your delivery date. Thank You.