
2008-04-14 11:21 pm
我想問而家中五畢業full cert係咪已經唔可以直入ied讀dip or cert再銜接上degree?

如果我今年full cert, 我想將來做小學教師, 除左一般JUPAS入IED外, 仲有無其他途徑?我係自修生

回答 (1)

2008-04-15 4:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
香港教育學院 - 中文學系

FAQ Bachelor of Education (Four-year Full-time) Programmes

About Four-year (Full-time) Bachelor of Education Programmes
All Applicants
01. What is JUPAS? What is the difference between JUPAS and Non-JUPAS?
02. Can I apply via both JUPAS and Non-JUPAS routes?
03. Do I need to attend admission interviews?
04. What qualities of candidates are you looking for?

Acceptable Non-local Qualifications for meeting
General Entrance Requirements for Bachelor Degree Programmes

Hong Kong

(a) A higher Diploma or Associate Degree awarded by a recognized Community College or a UGC-funded Institution*; or

(b) A higher Diploma awarded by the Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education; or
(The Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (IVE) 香港專業教育學院)

(c) Successful completion of one year's study on a degree programme at Hong Kong Shue Yan University; or
(d) Successful completion of one year's study on an associate degree/a higher diploma with programme GPA 3.0 or above, or equivalent, at a recognized Community College or a UGC-funded Institution.

2008-04-14 20:46:43 補充:
中五畢業full cert 可以從IVE HD year 2 讀起.

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