interview question

2008-04-14 7:47 pm



注意: 我要one month notice,但in既時候已表明

回答 (3)

2008-04-14 8:08 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1 每間公司性質及行政架構不同, 可能最後批准的仍是manager, 所以
一天未接獲通佑請你, 並不算是聘用.
2 隔著電話你確知對方是該公司HR DEPT. ?
3 若你真的要確定, 不用担心, 你有權致電該公司查詢, 這些查問絶不會影響人家對你的聘任.
2008-04-14 8:13 pm
thank you!

2008-04-14 15:04:56 補充:
thanks again...

2008-04-14 8:02 pm
Because of you need one month prior notice, that's why, most of the company would like to select the applicants with immediate available. I believe that your working experience and qualification is suitable for them, but they do not have appropriate candidate can report duty immediately, that's why... they will consider your application but they need to pass your application to the Management for approval. The company also afraid of your absence of report duty if they wait for you one month. Hence, most of company are hesitate to consider the applicants with one month notice.

Hope the above can be help.

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