
2008-04-14 7:26 pm
本人的女兒現讀中文部中一 , 想下一年轉英文部中二 (同一間學校) ,

老師叫家長寫一封轉班信給校長批閱才可考慮我申請 .

請各位幫一幫忙 , 因為是寫比校長的原故(所以寫英文信比較好些) ,

而且一定要有禮貌及要表達出女兒有能力入讀英文部 , 這封轉班信應

怎樣寫 , 懇幫各位幫一幫忙 , 萬分之謝謝!

** 本星期內要交回老師 , 請幫忙 ! **

回答 (1)

2008-04-14 8:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Mr. Chan Tai Man
Maple Secondary School

14 April 2008

Mrs. Alice Lee
Parent of Jane Lee of Form 1A

Dear Sir,

RE: Transfer of Jane Lee from the Chinese Section to the English Section

I writing to apply for the transfer of my daughter, Jane Lee of Form 1A, from the Chinese section to the English section of the school from the next academic year onwards.

Since entering secondary school Jane has been working hard to improve her standard of English so that she can fulfill her dream of studying her favourite subjects in English. She had seen significant improvements throughout the year; she had gotten herself a high A grade for the latest English term examination. In order to help her achieve her aim, I have also encouraged her to read English storybooks and practice her listening and speaking skills through the use of multimedia. She has been utilising these resources that I provided actively and effectively.

As a result, I am very confident that Jane will be able to handle the coursework for classes in the English section. Both Jane and I believe that a secondary school education conducted mainly in English will help Jane develop a strong English foundation which will not only be extremely useful in her future academic career but it will also be very relevant in the futue job market. Maple Secondary School has very engaging teachers and a comprehensive programme for students in the English section and I sincerely hope that Jane can be given the opportunity to benefit from these resources that the school has.

Thank you very much for your attention and I sincerely look forward to your favourable decision.

Yours faithfully,

Mrs. Alice Lee
參考: Myself

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