-free or -less?

2008-04-14 11:11 am
suffixes -free and -less are always used, e.g., sugarfree gum. I have also seen some gums marked 'sugarless'. Are -free and -less interchangeable or is there any difference between them? What is the difference if any?
hahatse, quite well-impressed by your answers! Any viewpoint?

回答 (3)

2008-04-14 7:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
-free -less作為字尾都可以解做without,如你的例子:sugar-free,sugarless,但它們有時卻不可互換,如:homeless(無家),而不可寫成(homefree)。
或許你可以這樣想:xx-free作為字尾,可以是:free from XX的意思,而free from的意思是(不含,無...之攙雜,無...憂,免於...之影響),如:carefree(無憂無慮:可看為免於憂慮之意),而careless(是不小心之意:從這字你就可以看到它們不可互換的地方);而duty-free(就是免稅free from duty),lead-free(就是沒有lead的攙雜),germfree(就是沒有細菌),rent-free(免收租金的)等等。
但你大約可以留意到,-free作字尾的時候,那前面的字,都不是太好的東西(如:sugar, lead, duty, germ等)

2008-04-14 12:09 pm
-free and -less have the same meaning but different in use.

For example.
Sugarfree gum
But the gum is sugarless.
參考: my knowledge
2008-04-14 11:45 am
i went to dictionary.com haha
and they are both the same..
meaning no sugar..
so i don't think there is a difference between them
but i m not sure though.. sorry!

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