What does it mean "CD" in Rmk column ?

2008-04-13 8:11 pm
On the stock list,


Live Quotes from SGX Rmk Last Change %
Vol B Vol Buy Sell S Vol High Low Sector

UOB CD 20.800 +0.700 +3.5
5,929 30 20.660 20.800 122 20.800 20.300 FIN

It is Singapore stock. Is there anyone know this?


Anyone know this? Why no people answer this? Help!!!!!!!


Thanks Irene's reply. CD - C U M dividend


Thanks a lot , Irene. What does C U M stand for? If possible, could you explain a little bit. Hope not to bother you too much. Thanks again. ------------------------------------- Hi Irene, http://esite.sgx.com/live/st/STStock.asp... from the page, you can see not all the companies marked "CD" but some of them. why?

回答 (2)

2008-04-18 1:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
If you look at the bottom of the page you will see it says "CD=C u m Dividend".

"C u m" is the Latin word for "with" so CD simply means "with dividend". In other words, a dividend has been declared and the ex-dividend date has not past yet.

(Extra spaces in the word "c u m" required to avoid censor.)
參考: One semester of Latin in high school.
2015-12-28 9:47 am
What does XO in rmk column mean?

收錄日期: 2021-04-29 13:54:17
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