
2008-04-14 7:44 am

hello~~my name is xxx. 我住在青衣.我同父母同住的.我中五畢業,修讀商科.有5年sales和2年文職經驗.我是一個平易近人.有工作效率的人.喜歡與一班人工作........

回答 (2)

2008-04-14 1:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案

My name is xxx.

I live in tsing yi with my parents.(我同父母住在青衣的)

I am Form5 graduated and maily study in commerce.(我中五畢業,修讀商科)

I am seeking an opportunity to work with *** as a ***.(我現在尋找機會

I have 7 years working experiences(我有7年工作經驗)

5 years work as salesperson also 2 years clerical working experience.
(5年sales經驗 同 2年文職經驗)

I have been working as a salesperson in the *** company for over 5 years.

I am a nice, easygoing and hard working person.(我是一個平易近人,有工作效率的人)
responsible (負責的人)

I love teamwork. (我喜歡與一班人工作)

I would like to work with customers face to face and
understand what they want(我鍾意與客人面對面工作,了解佢地的需要)

therefore I want to work for your company (因此我想係呢間公司工作)


面試前, 你應該先搜集該公司的背景資料,和招聘職位的工作範圍
參考: me
2008-04-14 1:01 pm
Hello, my name is xxx. I lived at Tsing Yi with my parents. I am a F.5 graduate with commercial studies. I have 5 years in sales and 2 years in office clerical experience. I am a friendly and very efficient person.

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