Translation difficulties =( ~送20點~

2008-04-14 7:02 am
Would you translate the following sentences for me please? Its toooo hard!

1. I don't know who that skinny-ass cow is, but I hate her already.

2. the good folks of Madrid should be applauded for trying.

3. It's easy to explain why models are so skinny--because of their strict dietary regimen of nicotine, arugula and rock-star boyfriends.

4. The Madrid move, which was to bar from the runway any model who fell below a certain weight, may have been simply a genius marketing exercise.

5. No one took her up on it. Ripple effects don't have much of a shot against the surging currents of fashion.

6. Twenty years ago, the average model was a size 8; today she's a size 0.

7. Giorgio Armani, one such designer, last week blamed the stylists, the people who put together the looks for the photo shoots at the magazines.

8. Or at least, "Where do I send the check for the chicken nuggets?"

9. Alas, they picked on the scrawniest link in the whole fashion chain, the model.

回答 (1)

2008-04-16 8:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
這些似是口語, 沒有上文下理, 有些意思要靠估. 有些比較粗俗的, 翻譯時淡化一點
1. 那瘦巴巴的女人, 不用知道她是誰, 光看就叫我倒胃

2. 馬德里那些人, 總算作過一點嘗試, 該讚一句勇氣可嘉
3. 為甚麼模特們個個瘦巴巴? 說來簡單, 香煙加幾片芝麻菜葉天天當飯吃, 再搭上那些亂七八糟的歌星男友, 想不變癟也難了.

4. 馬德里方面有人搞運動, 禁止體重低於某標準的模特上台表演, 說穿了, 也許仍只是一套漂亮的公關技倆.

5. 寄以厚望的人不多. 這樣可能帶來一些影響, 但仍難敵時裝界的大潮流, 就像漣漪始終都湮沒在洪流裡

6. 二十年前, 模特的標準身型是8號. 現在是0號

7. 以設計這類服裝起家的設計師亞曼尼上周竟然發炮, 指摘為時裝雜誌造型照設計造型的造型師才是禍首

8. Or at least, "Where do I send the check for the chicken nuggets?"
(這句沒有上文下理有點不明白. 字面是. <至少問一句 "我的炸雞塊往哪付帳?>)

9. 在整個時裝業巨輪裡, 他們挑出最瘦最弱的環節 --模特來指摘

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