Would you translate the following sentences for me please? Its toooo hard!
1. I don't know who that skinny-ass cow is, but I hate her already.
2. the good folks of Madrid should be applauded for trying.
3. It's easy to explain why models are so skinny--because of their strict dietary regimen of nicotine, arugula and rock-star boyfriends.
4. The Madrid move, which was to bar from the runway any model who fell below a certain weight, may have been simply a genius marketing exercise.
5. No one took her up on it. Ripple effects don't have much of a shot against the surging currents of fashion.
6. Twenty years ago, the average model was a size 8; today she's a size 0.
7. Giorgio Armani, one such designer, last week blamed the stylists, the people who put together the looks for the photo shoots at the magazines.
8. Or at least, "Where do I send the check for the chicken nuggets?"
9. Alas, they picked on the scrawniest link in the whole fashion chain, the model.