Application of Trigonometry

2008-04-14 5:16 am
DA is vertical pole from the groung floor ABC, where ABC is a right-angled triangle.
The angles of elevation of D from B and C are 45度 and 30度 respectively.
If M is the mid-point of BC, find the angle of elevation of D from M.
(use circle to calculate )

回答 (1)

2008-04-17 2:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
tan-1 (( √((1/tan30)² + (1/tan45)²) ) / 2)

2008-04-16 18:16:38 補充:
應該是tan-1 (2 / ( √((1/tan30)² + (1/tan45)²) )) 才對

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