比 Tips of cooking 用English

2008-04-14 1:57 am
比 Tips of cooking 用English做功課.thx 20分

回答 (2)

2008-04-19 6:37 pm
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Menu Planning - Why Should I do it?

Planning sounds like such a chore, but then cooking can sound like such a chore too. If you know what you're having and have the ingredients for that meal, then isn't cooking a lot easier?
Menu planning should be a regular part of your grocery shopping list. If you do it right you shouldn't have to do it too often. Here are some tips that will help you:
1. Use the time you are already making out a grocery list to plan a few meals. I suggest thinking of 12-15 meals.
2. As you think of a meal you like, put it on one side of a piece of paper. This will become your meal plan.
3. List the ingredients you don't have for that meal on the other of the sheet of paper. This will become your grocery list.
4. This will make grocery shopping so much easier because you will just be shopping for what is on your list. When you're all done shopping you know that you will have everything you need to make 12-15 meals.
5. Don't worry about assigning a day for meals. Then if unexpected things come up in your month you won't mess up your whole plan.
6. Just look at your list of meals each morning and decide what you feel like cooking that day. Then cross off the meal that you decide to make that day.
7. When your list of meals to choose from gets down to 2 or 3 you know it's time to make out another grocery list and meal plan.
Cooking shouldn't be a stress in your day. It should just be another thing to check off your list so that you can get on with other things you enjoy more than cooking. If you enjoy cooking, then this system can make it even more enjoyable for you.

2008-04-14 10:19 am
Cooking tips:


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