
2008-04-13 11:09 pm




回答 (3)

2008-04-15 12:02 am
2008-04-14 6:42 am

香港依家冇自由咩!? 越來越少咩? 唔係咁覺囉. 對說政治的人物來說就是沒自由! 對香港市民來說....要安定就足夠了!

講政治!?? 不如攪好香港經濟好過啦!
2008-04-14 12:02 am
It is absolutely understandable why HK would not welcome any protestors who try to physically take the Olympic torch. Because they are not peaceful demonstrators and would you allow terrorists to enter HK just because they will shop and spend? (搶包山 is a different matter, it is a planned and control event.)

What should concern us are how can the government define who is going to demonstrate peacefully and who is not. And how far do we stretch the keeping peace argument. Should everyone who support Tibet Independence be seen as peaceful protestors (like how the free west defined them); or should they be seen as violent troublemakers like how the tyranny of PRC defined them. And where should we draw the line in the keeping peace argument. Should we draw the line when violence is used; or should we adopt the PRC approach and see any protest as undermining peace (let's not forget the 1989 massacre of students).

I believe HK is indeed enjoying less and less freedom since 1997 and we are now subjecting to much heavier influence assert by China. Look at how the PRC undermine our rule of law by overruling our Court of Final appeal's decision. Look at how they pushed for article 23 in HK. Look at how they undermine our democratic development (from 2008 to 2012 to 2017... will it be 2021 next or...) And look at how many Taiwan officials were refused entry into HK since 1997 or how 法輪功 experienced trouble in organising activity in HK. (And god knows, I might actually get arrested for writing this in a few year's time...)

Those are all unwarranted influences asserted to HK by the PRC. They are trying to make us as unfree as they are (China) and undermine our core values (eg liberty) by giving us financial incentives. If we don't recognise this as a problem, god knows how much freedom HK will have in a few years time.
參考: Me

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