非常緊急chem acid~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~20分

2008-04-13 10:35 pm
1.slaked lime + nitric acid 條ionic係
Ca(OH)2+2H+>>>>>>Ca2+ + 2H2O
點解個Calcium hydroxide唔洗分開?即係ca + 2oh-
koh係solid ionic點寫?

咁如果個caoh同koh 係aq條ionic會點?

回答 (2)

2008-04-14 12:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
Slaked lime is Ca(OH)2 solid. The dilute nitric acid is a solution which contains H+(aq) ions. The ionic equation for the reaction is thus:
Ca(OH)2(s) + 2H+(aq) → Ca2+(aq) + H2O(l) …… (1)

You may argue that Ca(OH)2(s) is slightly soluble in water and is then dissociate to give OH-(aq). You may assume that Ca(OH)2 dissolves in the solution to give OH-(aq) ions followed by the reaction with the nitric acid. The ionic equation is then written as:
OH-(s) + H+(aq) → H2O(l) …… (2)
However, Ca(OH)2 is only slightly soluble in water. Besides, reaction (1) is very vigorously and thus reaction (1) would occur before the dissolving of Ca(OH)2. Therefore, many teachers do not accept equation (2).

The potassium hydroxide used is solid. The dilute sulphuric acid is a solution which contains H+(aq) ions. The ionic equation for the reaction is thus:
2KOH(aq) + H2SO4(aq) → K2SO4(aq) + 2H2O(l) …… (3)

You may also argue that KOH dissolves in the solution to give OH-(aq) ions followed by the reaction with the sulphuric acid. The ionic equation is then written as:
OH-(s) + H+(aq) → H2O(l) …… (4)
However, reaction (3) is very vigorously and thus reaction (3) would occur before the dissolving of Ca(OH)2. Therefore, many teachers do not accept equation (4).
2008-04-13 10:56 pm
Ca(OH)2 <~~ 呢個係solid黎嫁,係limetone

koh係aq點寫 <~~ k+ (aq) + oh- (aq)

唔知答唔答到你喇 XD
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