英文詩既分析 ”in the moonlight”

2008-04-13 11:11 am
In Moonlight- Andrew Young

We sat where boughs waved on the ground
But made no sound;
"They cannot shake me off,"
Shrieked the black dwarf,
Impudent elf,
That was the shadow of myself.

I said to him,"We must go now";
But from his bough
He laughed, securely perched,
"Then you rise first";
It seemed to me
He spoke in wicked courtesy.

We rose and " Take my hand,"he whined,
Though like the wind
Each waving bough he leapt;
And as we stept
Down the steep track
He seemed to grow more hunched and black.

首詩既theme係??mood of the poem又係咩呢??
We rose and " Take my hand,"he whined,
Though like the wind 。。。。。。。。。。。係唔係simile??

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2008-04-13 10:51 pm
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In Moonlight- Andrew Young 在月光中------ By Andrew Young

We sat where boughs waved on the ground我們坐在那處,
But made no sound; 粗樹枝的影子,在地上無聲地飛舞。
"They cannot shake me off," 那坳黑的侏儒尖聲地說:「它們不能甩掉我的。」
Shrieked the black dwarf,
Impudent elf,他就是我自己的影子----一個魯莽的精靈。
That was the shadow of myself.

I said to him,"We must go now";我對他說:「我們現在要走了。」
But from his bough
He laughed, securely perched,從他粗壯的軀幹他笑著,穩定地、趾高氣揚地說:「那麼,你先起來吧。」
"Then you rise first";
It seemed to me
He spoke in wicked courtesy.對我來說,他有禮貌的說話,好像懷有惡意。

We rose and " Take my hand,"he whined,我們起來了,
Though like the wind
Each waving bough he leapt;縱然他像風一般,踐踏每一處樹影,他仍抱怨地說:「拖著我的手吧。」
And as we step
Down the steep track 而當我們在傾斜的路徑走下去時,
He seemed to grow more hunched and black.他似乎變得更駝背和坳黑了。

1)呢首詩想表達咩?係唔係作者既孤獨既心情?首詩的 theme?
Answer: 是的,表達作者在孤獨中,沒有其他人可溝通,便與自己的影子對話。而從他幻想和描寫中,表達出自己影子的不良性質和不友善態度,隱喻一個人在苦境中,與自己為敵,內心充滿矛盾的可憐狀況。在詩中,有很多負面的詞語: shriek, black, impudent, perched, wicked courtesy, whined, hunched and black.
2)mood of the poem又係咩呢?
Answer : The mood is gloomy and sentimental.

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