Exponent ^^?

2008-04-13 7:52 am
How do you type the superscript in Yahoo! Answers?

^^ thanks!

回答 (6)

2008-04-13 8:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
Only special characters available, like so x¹²³ª , and everything else you have to use conventional x^(power).

2008-04-13 3:00 pm
You can just use ^ (for example, you could write x² as x^2). You can also copy/paste characters from online special character lists, such as:

Also, if you're using a desktop PC, you can use alt-characters. This means you hold down the alt button and punch a few numbers on the number pad (make sure num lock is on). Here's a list of them:

Example: Type "x alt+253" and the result should be x².
2008-04-13 3:03 pm
You can use Entities to add superscripts to your questions or answers, but it is only available for the superscripts 1 2 and 3,
for type & sup1 = ¹, & sup2 = ², & sup3 = ³ , type & sup1 without the space between them.
you can also check this website for a complete list of entities you can use
2008-04-13 3:00 pm
x^n is exponenciation x to the power n
2008-04-13 2:56 pm
On Windows, you can type them by Alt-codes :
- make sure NumLock is on
- while holding down Alt-key, type the corresponding Alt-code using the numbers on the numeric keypad (not the ordinary numbers above keys q..p)

Alt 252 ⁿ Power n
Alt 0185 ¹ To the power of 1
Alt 0178 ² squared
Alt 0179 ³ cubed

Or else, on any system, cut and paste them from that or similar webpage.
2008-04-13 2:55 pm
i just used /\2

so 4x-x/\2=6

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