Why is this cat always coming back to our house. We don't even own it?

2008-04-13 1:28 am
It belongs to our next door neighbour. But the cat always sits in front of the door waiting for someone to leave, or enter the house, so it can quickly run inside. I feel like a creepy, and mean neighbour to let the cat tug at my heart strings, and let it stay with us. It meows, and sometimes I give in and let him inside.
The neighbour knows, but doesn't really do anything. They say it likes being outside.

What should we do? And why won't the cat stay with its owners?
(my parents never let him stay inside, and they yell at me when I do).

回答 (23)

2008-04-13 1:39 am
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House cats often see people as a source of food and lodging. They often go house to house begging for food. Stop feeding him will discourage him from returning to your house. Leaving a dog outside at the door will work wonders. Let your neighbor know that if the cat appears at your house again, you will call animal control to pick him up.
2008-04-13 1:34 am
Obviously your neighbors are incorrect. The cat does not like being outside. Maybe your home is warmer and cleaner, maybe it gets the love an attention it needs from you, and therefore comes back to you. This is a common trait in any animal. They go where they are loved and cared for.
2008-04-13 2:14 am
I bet the people who lived in your house before you let the cat in and even fed it. Now that cat thinks of your house as part of his territory. My parents lived in a neighborhood with a cat like that who was a big tailless manx. He would meow at the door until he was let in, then stomp around the house like he owned it. Once he got in through an open window when me and my mom were shopping, and when we pulled up to the house he was sitting in the front window staring at us like he was guarding the place.

It's too bad your parents don't want the cat in the house, but you will just have to ignore his meowing until he eventually gives up, or go have a visit with him outside.
2008-04-13 1:46 am
my cat does this too. some cats warm to other people. my next door neighbour always gives my cat a pat, so my cat always goes next door to his place! dont worry he still loves his owner.
2008-04-13 1:39 am
The cat might not like its owner. It may feel neglected. The best you can is ask your parents why they won't let it stay inside. You can also can keep an eye on it maybe there is something at your neighbors house it doesn't like or maybe it is just curious about you and your house.
2008-04-13 1:38 am
Cats are opportunistic by nature & will quite often have several "homes" regardless of who thinks they are the owner.
My cats go out & they sneak into all of my neighbours flats & go to sleep in their beds!
You shouldn't really encourage it though, as they can also be territorial.
As long as you can see that it's well fed, then you know it's not unhappy at home.
Try to keep a boundary, take it out of your house & fuss it outside to make it learn.
2008-04-13 1:34 am
We have that situation at my parents house. My neighbors cat is obsessed with coming over to our house. We don't like it because we have an outdoor kitty who we are trying to domesticate. It's a competition now between those to it tries to steal our new kitty's food. Go home neighbors kitty! Usually something is not right of the cat's owners home if they are lerking for attention or family love in another. Your house probably has something better for the kitty it likes. Or finds you all more loving. Who knows. I would talk to your nieghbors more to let them know even though it's an outdoor kitty. The cat probably senses your caring nature and wants you to give back so it insists coming back. If you don't want to upset your Mom then I would just ignore the cat.
2008-04-13 1:33 am
Maybe the cat just likes you guys better than his own family maybe he likes your house better, or you smell better, or you taste better, or your nicer, or you have better food? If youre feeding it, then thats the reason why. you should try and get to know your neighbors. maybe they have a dirty little secret.
Hope this helps you. goooood luck-er-ooo!
2008-04-13 1:33 am
The cat doesn't like its current situation, and is hoping for a better life with you. The cat belonging to the people next door used to play up to me all the time. I would stroke it but never feed it.
2008-04-13 1:32 am
Cats decide where they want to live sometimes, if he wants to come in, let him in. He may be getting more attention from you than from his 'owner', cats need attention and he's picked you guys to give it to him.

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