silicon(IV) oxide問題!!!

2008-04-13 6:13 am
silicon(IV) oxide o既化學式係SiO2?????

咁點解佢o既structure 係1個Si covalently bonded 4個O????


回答 (2)

2008-04-13 6:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
silicon(IV) oxide 的 (IV) ,是它的 redox number
單一個 O 的 redox number 是 -2。兩個 O ,即係兩個 -2。
因為 SiO2 是穩定的,所以 Si + O2 = 0 ,
所以 Si = 0 - O2
= - [(-2)*2]
= +4

所以 Si 是 +4

所以 silicon(IV) 有 4個 bond

至於,點解會係 SiO2,你可以試下用密鋪平面的方法(暫時當它是一個平面,其實是一個立體),如果以 SiO2 及 SiO4 做基本單位,睇下邊一個可以鋪出一個平面。
2008-04-13 7:37 am
Silicon(IV) oxide is also named as silicon dioxide. It has giant covalent structure, in which a huge number of Si atoms and a huge number of O atoms are joined together by strong covalent bonds to form a network.

It is true that each Si atom is covalently bonded to 4 O atoms, but don’t miss that each O atom is covalently bonded to 2 Si atoms.

Since it is a network structure, there are no molecules. Therefore, it is represented by empirical formula. Since the mole ratio of Si atom to O atom in the network structure is 1 to 2, its empirical formula is SiO2.

收錄日期: 2021-04-26 12:54:27
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