
2008-04-13 2:38 am
Why the solar eclipse will happen???
Why the thunder will hapeen???????

回答 (1)

2008-04-13 7:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
Why the solar eclipse will happen???

A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between the Sun and the Earth so that the Sun is wholly or partially obscured. This can only happen during a new moon, when the Sun and Moon are in conjunction as seen from the Earth. Up to four solar eclipses occur each year, but total solar eclipses are nevertheless rare at any location because during each eclipse totality exists only in the relatively tiny area of the Moon's umbra.
A total solar eclipse is a spectacular natural phenomenon and many people travel to remote locations to observe one. The 1999 total eclipse in Europe helped to increase public awareness of the phenomenon, as illustrated by the number of journeys made specifically to witness the 2005 annular eclipse and the 2006 total eclipse. The next solar eclipse will occur on August 1, 2008, and will be a total eclipse.

Why the thunder will hapeen???????

Thunder is the sound made by lightning. Depending on the nature of the lightning and distance of the hearer, it can range from a sharp, loud crack to a long, low rumble. The sudden increase in pressure and temperature from lightning produces rapid expansion of the air surrounding and within a bolt of lightning. In turn, this expansion of air produces a sonic shock wave which produces the sound of thunder.

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 18:57:43
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