bromine 同mercury既問題10分

2008-04-13 1:26 am
我本書寫 bromine 係only a non-metal in liquid
mercury 係metal 係liguid到
呢兩種液體都係唯一 一種 non metal and metal 係liguid 之中

回答 (2)

2008-04-13 7:21 am
只有 bromine 及 mercury 都係 element,
其他都係 compound.

bromine 的 inter-molecular force 是 Van de Wraals Force.
mercury 的 是 metallic bond.
water 是 hydrogen bond 的 dipole-dipole attraction.
oil 是 Van de Wraals Force.
2008-04-13 5:38 am
The book describes the physical states of elements only.

Elements can be divided into three classes: metals, non-metals and semi-metals.
At room condition, mercury is the only liquid among all metals.
At room condition, bromine is the only liquid among all non-metals.
At room condition, all semi-metals are solid.

At room condition, all other liquids are pure compounds or mixtures.

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