English Problem

2008-04-12 11:01 pm
Mary has ____________________( send ) you a parcel and a postacard.


回答 (4)

2008-04-18 11:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Answer: sent (present tense)

We use the simple present tense to talk about:

(1) things that are true now, e.g. My name is Susie. I am twelve years old.

(2) how often we do things, e.g. Susie and Betty go shopping every Saturday morning. They usually buy a lot of things.

(3) Things that are always true, e.g. Owls have two wings. They fly very fast.
參考: me and www2.hkedcity.net/sch_files/a/phc/phc-ccf/public_html/simple_present_tense.htm
2008-04-13 7:20 am
係sent,呢個係present perfect tense.
參考: yingbobo0608既回答
2008-04-13 3:29 am
Mary has sent you a parcel and a postacard.

這一個是present prefect tense.

hope i can help u!
參考: me!
2008-04-13 12:34 am
Mary has ____________________( send ) you a parcel and a postacard.

答案:Mary has sent you a parcel and a postacard.
參考: me

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