About World War II - Germany

2008-04-12 9:56 pm
Why Britain and France ignore Hilter send troops to Rhineland in 1936?

可以簡潔清晰不copy嗎? 我想知的該是英法為何任由德國派軍隊到萊茵河區,違反 Treaty of Versailles.

回答 (3)

2008-04-14 5:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
原因是 英法兩國在第一次世界大戰和1929年經濟大衰退後原氣大傷.希望先集中處理國內問題.穩定政局.沒有能力和空餘去干擾德國的侵略行動
而且.. 當時英國首相張伯倫即使要干預希特拉的行動 也必先要有充足的準備 如在德國進攻波蘭前 英國就史無前例地推行強迫徵兵制 以加強軍力

2008-04-13 21:41:37 補充:
是當時英國首相張伯倫認為 不是我認為 打少左個字
參考: , me
2008-04-14 10:10 pm
2008-04-13 12:31 am
World War II, or the Second World War,[1] was a global military conflict, the joining of what had initially been two separate conflicts. The first began in Asia in 1937 as the Second Sino-Japanese War; the other began in Europe in 1939 with the German invasion of Poland.
German troops at the 1935 Nuremberg RallyIn 1933, National Socialist Adolf Hitler became the leader of Germany and began a massive rearming campaign.[9] This worried France and the United Kingdom, who had lost much in the previous war, as well as Italy, which saw its territorial ambitions threatened by those of Germany.[10] To secure its alliance, the French allowed Italy a free hand in Ethiopia, which Italy desired to conquer. The situation was aggravated in early 1935 when the Saarland was legally reunited with Germany and Hitler repudiated the Treaty of Versailles, speeding up remilitarization and introducing conscription. Hoping to contain Germany, the United Kingdom, France and Italy formed the Stresa Front. The Soviet Union, also concerned due to Germany's goals of capturing vast areas of eastern Europe, concluded a treaty of mutual assistance with France.
參考: Wikipedia

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