please help me

2008-04-12 8:38 pm
how to translate in English below:


回答 (3)

2008-04-12 9:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Pls make a appointment for our boss to have a meal!!

2008-04-12 13:10:28 補充:
一樓既朋友應該釋錯左, approximately解作大約 / 約莫, 而唔係約會既約!!

請珍惜答問者心血 ,勿隨便取消或棄置問題 ,多謝大家合作 !
參考: me
2008-04-13 12:39 am
My boss would like to make an appointment for having lunch/dinner with your boss .
2008-04-12 8:51 pm
My boss and your boss wants approximately the time food to eat

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