
2008-04-12 7:50 pm
我呢半年也是一出糧便由HANG SENG TRANSFER到HSBC,戶口冇錢,HANG SENG卻扣了$590.之後冇得追回,可以點?但我又要用HANG SENG出糧~~~THX

回答 (2)

2008-04-12 8:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I dont know exactly know why Hang Seng Bank collect those charges from you. But many banks will charge their customers HK$50-100 if they dont have a minimum average balance of HK$5,000.- per month. Therefore, in order to avoid such charges, you can either:

1. Clarify why they charge such fees and meet their requirement.

2. Close your account in Hang Seng Bank, and change your pay roll account with HSBC. All you need to do is to inform your company about such change and fill in some forms.

Of course, you can negotiate with Hang Seng Bank to claim back the above charges by threatening to complain to HKMA.Though I dont think Hang Seng has charged you without a solid reason, the bank, for its own good reputation, will try to compromise with its customer.

Hope this can help
2008-04-12 8:04 pm

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