The Memory Keeper's Daughter

2008-04-12 6:36 pm
「你逃過了許多悲傷時刻,卻也錯過了許多歡笑與珍貴」。 I remember that there is a sentence like this in this book.I want to ask for the page number!!(english one not chinese)


回答 (2)

2008-04-22 6:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
你所引述的那一句, 原文是:

You missed a lot of heartache, sure.
But David, you missed a lot of joy.

找到了一個書評有提到那句說話的, 雖然不能確定是那一頁, 但可能是在書本較末的位置的. 將那段書評的有關幾句引述如下供你參考:

In the end, it's not just that David made a mistake in a moment of crisis; it's that he never realized that parenthood is an infinite series of opportunities for redemption. Years after the choice he could never forgive himself, for, as Caroline tells him, "You missed a lot of heartache, sure. But David, you missed a lot of joy." Readers of The Memory Keeper's Daughter will find ample stores of both.
2008-05-20 4:00 am
P. 249 ahh!!

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