請幫手!!CE Chem MC 一條 (acid & alkali) 20pts!

2008-04-12 5:41 pm
Which of the following hydroxides would react with both acid and alkali to give salt and water?
A zinc hydroxide
B copper(II) hydroxide
C iron (II) hydroxide
D calcium hydroxide [ANS: A]

而hydroxide 同alkali就出precipitate(除左groupI metals) ??

1. Ca 同 H2SO4(dil.) 既 reaction soon stop 因為formation of insouble CuSO4 阻止Ca 同 acid 接觸,
咁CaOH呢??? Solid form 既 Ca 同 ion form Ca2+ 會唔會有分別????
2.如果係chemical cell 入面冇左salt bridge, 兩個electrolytes分開左, 會唔會"短暫"地有電呢??? 雖然兩邊既charges balance 唔到, 但係佢哋會唔會一開始既時候有電呢??

唔該幫忙~~~ ><

回答 (2)

2008-04-12 8:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The MC:

All metal hydroxides are basic, which can react with strong acid solutions to give salt and water.
Like other metal oxide, zinc oxide can react with strong acid solutions to give salt and water.
Zn(OH)2(s) + 2H+(aq) → Zn2+(aq) + 2OH-(aq)

Some metal hydroxides (e.g. zinc hydroxide, aluminium hydroxide and lead(II) hydroxide) have a property of weak acid to neutralize strong alkali solutions to forming salts.
Zn(OH)2(s) + 2OH-(aq) → [Zn(OH)2]2-(aq)
[Zn(OH)2]2- is named as zincate ion.

Since metal hydroxide can neutralize both strong acids and strong alkalis, it is known as an "amphoteric (雙性的) hydroxide".

Ca(s) + 2H2O(l) → Ca(OH)2(aq/s) + H2(g)

The Ca(OH)2 solid would not coat on the surface of Ca solid. The major reason is that the hydrogen bubbles would make the Ca(OH)2 solid detach from the unreacted Ca solid. Besides, some Ca(OH)2­ is dissolved in the solution.

Think in a way that you have studied in Physics:

No matter whether a salt bridge is installed or not, the two half-cells (linked together by the external circuit) build up a potential difference between them.

In the absence of a salt bridge, there is no current (no electron flow). A Current (electrons) flow(s) only when the circuit is complete.

2008-04-12 12:58:17 補充:
In the absence of a salt bridge, the circuit is incomplete (an open circuit).
2008-04-12 8:05 pm
zinc hydroxide can dissolve in sodium hydroxide or potassium
hydroxide to form [Zn(OH)4]2-, so it can react with acid and alkali
to form salt and water.
calcium granule is spherical structure but calcium hydroxide
is powder form. so the surface area of calcium hydroxide is
larger than that of calcium granule. so the reaction with
sulphuric acid is better in calcium hydroxide.
salt bridge can complete the circuit. so when the salt bridge is
broken. no charge can flow and so no electricity can be detected.

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