What was the last movie you watched ?

2008-04-11 10:31 am

回答 (67)

2008-04-11 12:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Serenity,and now I am going to watch Spawn...
2008-04-18 4:01 am
2008-04-18 3:27 am
Alfred Hitchcock's Strangers on a Train
參考: bap
2008-04-16 4:26 am
Lighting Jack
2008-04-12 11:13 am
2008-04-12 8:24 am
U can watch Free Hindi movies online on the net without Registration I think u have to try this site one time.


2008-04-12 3:32 am
I watch five or more movies a day, so perhaps I'll list what's been on the screen during the past couple of days:
Mrs. Palfrey at the Claremont
The Cassandra Crossing
They Come Back (2007)
Comes a Horseman
Eyes of Laura Mars
North by Northwest
The White Buffalo
Absolution (2006)
Between (2005)
Oxygen (1999)

It helps(?) that I have insomnia. I sort of watch end-to-end films.
2008-04-11 3:36 pm
Mungaru Male
Tare Zameen par
2008-04-11 1:01 pm
2008-04-11 11:16 am
Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Legend of Boggy Creek 2
2008-04-11 10:40 am
I get good sleep in watching movies.

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