二手論壇 Copycat Forum 是否停止了運作?

2008-04-12 4:56 am
我用 www.copycat2u.com 不能進入, 是我電腦的問題還是論壇沒運作了?

回答 (2)

2008-04-12 5:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
Dear Copycat Forum members,

Due to some unforeseeable contract issues, we need to change the domain of our forum temporarily.

The new domain of our site is: http://www.copycat2u.net/bbs/

We will try our best to bring back the previously used domain.

Thank you for your kind attention. Please keep supporting us.

Best regards,

Admin, Copycat Forum
2008-04-15 9:05 am
thanks a lot bor~

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