
2008-04-12 1:00 am
我想問幾時用going to 同埋 will/shall?佢地有乜分別?仲有past perfect tense同past continuous tense!

回答 (2)

2008-04-12 1:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
Going to 的機會率係大過will/shall. 用going to ge 時候通常會有d 證據顯示佢快要發生.
You have to bring your umbrella.It is going to rain.

(you have to bring your umbrella)就係證據顯示 快要落雨.
past perfect 係指已經過去左ge 2 件事,發生左先ge 就用past perfect.
Example :
She had already turn off the light before went to bed.
(turn off the light)係發生先ge,所有用past perfect .
past continuous tense係指已經左過去ge 某段時間發生ge 事.
He was playing the piano at 8:00AM yesterday.
(8:00AM yesterday)就係特別指明ge時間
參考: me
2008-04-12 1:37 am
going to是用於巳計劃好or一定會做的
e.g.I am going to have a party this weekend.
e.g.She will go for a walk.
past continuous tense是巳做完,可說是已成為歷史
past perfect tense是剛做完不久
參考: myself

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