what is noise pollution?

2008-04-12 12:51 am
please answer me some questions (use p6's english )
1.what is noise pollution ?
2.how can we stop it ?
3.what is water pollution ?
4.how can we stop it ?
5.what is land pollution ?
6.how can we stop it ?
7.what is air pollution?
8.how can we stop it ?

回答 (2)

2008-04-12 10:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. noise pollution which means someone makes the sound loudly and disturb others.
2.We should not play the CDs player,radio or TV loudly. After midnight, we should turn down the sound from TV. We repair the machine which have some noise.
3. water pollution which means someone pours dirty water or throws rubbish in the sea.
4.We should not throw rubbish in the sea. Factories should not pour the dirty water in the sea.
5.land pollution which means someone throws rubbish on the ground or makes a lot of rubbish on the earth.
6. We should reuse, reduce, recycle and replace the things. We can recycle the
cans,papers, plastic bottles or clothes.
7. air pollution which means someone make the air dirty.
8.People can take the public transports instead of private cars. The government set up the law to ban the smoke from the factories. Planting more trees.
2008-04-12 10:11 am
Noise Pollution, caused by aircraft and other engines, road or building works, can induce stress in both humans and wildlife.

Reducing noise pollution is the easiest one of all.
Keep the volume of music and the television down at home so you don’t disturb other family members or neighbours.

Water pollution is caused by the discharge of harmful substances into sea, rivers, lakes or the water table.
Pollutions include: Agrochemicals, Sewage, Chemical contaminants, Slurry, Oil.

There are a number of ways that you can help prevent water pollution around your house, school, work or neighbourhood. Here are just some of the ideas:
Don’t pour chemicals down the storm sewer.
Fix taps, faucets and pipes that are leaking.

Land pollution, most rubbish is buried in landfill sites and not all of it comprises safe materials. Even common household items can contain toxic chemicals such as poisonous metals. Industrial waste is also discharge onto the land. Many farmers apply pesticides to improve their crops, but these can damage living things.

The best thing we can all do to cut down on waste is to make less of it! When we reduce the amount of waste that we produce this will reduce amount of garbage that we have to dispose in landfills. Some ideas on reducing land pollution include:
Buy biodegradable products.
Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle!
Buy organically grown fruits and vegetable. 

Air pollution. The most common source of air pollution is the combustion of fossil fuels. This usually happens in vehicle engines and power stations.
Pollution include: smoke, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide.

We can help to reduce and prevent air pollution by using less electricity and gasoline.
Walk, cycle or use public transportation.
Turn off lights, TV, radio and other electrical items when not in use
Use low energy or energy saving light bulbs.
Turn off your engine when waiting, do not idle!

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