
2008-04-12 12:21 am
1)If it rained,we would not go out.
Were it not to rain,we would go out.
Were it not for raining,we would go out.

2)If I were you,I would accept her advice.
But not for you,I would accept her advice.

3)If it were not for John,we would have completed our project.
點解唔係用If it had not been John,we would completed our project.

回答 (2)

2008-04-12 6:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
1)If it rained,we would not go out.
因這句if it rained沒有助動詞,所以就必須用Did,而不是用were,因為句子並沒有出現were
Did it rain, we would not go out.

2)If I were you,I would accept her advice.
Were I you, I would accept her advice.
If it were not for John,we would not have completed our project.
和if it had not been for John都得,意思並無分別
Were it not for you, we would not have completed our project.
或Had it not been for you, we would not have completed our project.
或But for you, we would not have completed our project.
2008-04-12 12:34 am
1)If it rained,we would not go out.
Were it not to rain,we would go out. - NO
This is because the sentence structure is wrong - you cannot say (not to rain), you have to change to :
When it did not rain, we would go out.
Were it not for raining,we would go out. - NO
This is because you cannot say (not for raining), you have to change to :
When it was not raining, we would go out.

2)If I were you,I would accept her advice.
But not for you,I would accept her advice. - 轉唔到, only way to change :
But I am not you, so I could not accept her advice. - For this sentence you should also add : You should accept her advice - to make it a complete sentence with correct meaning.

)If it were not for John,we would have completed our project.
點解唔係用If it had not been John,we would completed our project.
Becaue (If it had not been John) is not = If it were not for John
You have to change to : If John had not made mistake, etc. That is : you have to give a reason why John was the one who made your delay.
參考: Myself

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