choose secondary school

2008-04-11 5:57 pm
Help.......anybody has some ideas for manner to choose secondary school,
am I should choose Band 1 for first? please give me write a list for it.
Ok thanks for before.

回答 (2)

2008-04-11 8:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Before choosing a sec. school, you should know about yourself.
1. What is your academic result?
2. Do you have any talent (e.g. music, sports, ...)?
3. Can you learn in subjects taught in English well?
4. What do you want to be after studying secondary school? (a bit far away, but you do need to think)
5. Do you like to have classmates in opposite sex?

Then you can list some points you require for choosing secondary school.
1. Girl's school (我唔鐘意同男同學相處)
2. English school (我英文好)
3. No Band 3 Schools (我成績好, 全級頭10名)
4. On HK Island, best in North Point (我住北角, 唔想過海返學)
5. No private schools, no direct subsidy schools (直資學校) (屋企窮, 無錢每年交幾萬蚊學費)

其實列 5, 6 個條件已經好足夠, 因為要符合所有條件都幾難.

哈! 我以前就係用呢d條件揀中學, 最後入左區內一間 band 1 女校.
不過呢間女校有附屬小學, 我入到去個個都唔識, d同學個個由小學玩到而家好friend, 無人同我玩囉.
參考: 自己 (而家讀緊大學)
2008-04-17 5:56 am
Thanks for your help. I really hope that I can be as smart as you are, study at Uversity.;))

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