Chem Equations+carbon compounds

2008-04-11 10:07 am
Write equations of the following reactions. (1-3)
1. a) Sodium + dil. sulphuric acid (full eqt)
b) Sodium + conc. sulphuric acid (full eqt + ionic eqt)
2a) Sodium + dil. nitric acid (full eqt + ionic eqt)
b)Sodium + conc. nitric acid (full eqt + ionic eqt)
3. Sodium + Hydrogen gas
4. 在petroleum refining中,是否所有fractions都是alkanes?
5. 在alkane,alkene,alkanol,alkanoic acid中,哪些是flammable?

回答 (1)

2008-04-12 12:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
i think there wont be much reaction?? im not sure though
however actually, the 2 salts below are usually generated through NaOH, reacting straight Na metal would be too reactive

2 Na + H2SO4 >> Na2SO4 + H2
Na + HNO3 >> NaNO3 + H+
so in conclusion, a salt should form

i think sodium hydride (NaH) will form, which a SUPER STRONG base as the H in NaH is H-, not H+
2 Na + H2 >> 2 NaH

i dont think so because under high temperature, organic compunds can go through dehydrogenation. and it's the chemical engineerers' job to purify them as much as they can

i think flammability is the ability to react with O2 with high temperature, and to be honest, all hydrocarbons are all flammable, look at CH4, methane gas is pretty freaking flammable, alkene is even more reactive because it has the pi orbital, electron weak (electrophilic), alcohol is of course flammable, try to burn some chinese alcohol and u'll know what im talking about, acid is again for sure flammable, they more dehydrated they can get, the more flammable they are
參考: myself

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