Why is 'worth' adjective?

2008-04-11 9:08 am
Dictionary tells us 'worth' is an adjective. However, it functions exactly as a preposition. It cannot stand alone and must be followed by a noun. Even some authors of English grammar misuse it by saying'something does not worth this price'. To complete the meaning, it must be followed by a noun, gerund or noun equivalent just as a linking verb necessitates a noun or adjective as a
complement. Is it an 'incomplete adjective'?
Expect experts' advice.

回答 (2)

2008-04-11 4:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案
adj.〔usually used like a preposition常發揮介詞的作用〕
而LONGMAN contemporary English更直接將它看作Preposition.

2008-04-11 14:17:51 補充:
其實還有很多的predicative adjective,需要complement,如:

afraid:He is araid to do it
fond:They are fond of fer

有些 adjective是需要用prepositional phrase作complement(Adjective complementation by prepositional phrase),如:
Joan if fond of them
They are conscious of their responsibility
We are ben on a vacaton in Mexico

2008-04-11 14:17:57 補充:
這些有:intent on, reliant on, averse to, liable to, subject to, inclined to, familiar with等

2008-04-11 14:21:16 補充:
有時adjective又要用finite clause作complement(Adjective complementation by finite clause)
I am sure that he is here now
I was angry that he should ignore me
I was admant that he (should) be appointed
I am not clear where she went.

2008-04-11 14:24:53 補充:
有些時候,有些adjective又需要to-infinitive clauses作為complement(Adjective complementation by to-infinitive clauses),如:

Bob is slow to react.
Bob is furious to hear it
Bob is hesitant to agree with you
Bob is hard to convince.


2008-04-11 14:25:52 補充:

2008-04-11 14:27:25 補充:
afraid:He is afraid to do it
fond:They are fond of her

We are bent on a vacaton in Mexico

2008-04-11 14:28:24 補充:
I was adamant that he (should) be appointed

2008-04-13 21:00:13 補充:
think'Although the dress is expensive, I think it worth (it)這句,並文法上是完全正確,但這句的worth仍然是adjective.


think + noun + adjective,如:
I think it highly unlikely that I will get the job.

2008-04-13 21:01:54 補充:
而I think it highly unlikely that=I think that it is highly unlikely that...

所以I think it worth (it)=I think that it is worth

2008-04-11 1:25 pm
First of all worth is not only an adjective, it can also be used as noun.

When we use worth as an adjective, we use it as a predicative adjective, that is = determinating adjective, this adjective has a determinating nature.

Your quoted sentence - something does not worth this price - THIS PRICE is a noun clause. So grammetically this is correct.

Many words cannot stand alone or else they have no meaning, however we cannot call all those words as preposition.

When it is used as noun, the meaning is value :
E.g. Although the dress is expensive, I think it worth.

Again as I mentioned on above, we cannot treat worth as an incomplete adjective, it is a predicative adjective.
參考: Myself

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