get in 同get on用係上車上既分別~~~

2008-04-11 8:38 am
如果話上bus ~係用get in the bus or get on the bus??????????

get in 同get on之間用係上車上有咩分別??????????

回答 (3)

2008-04-11 7:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案
當我們登上大型的交通公具的時候,如:bus, train, tram, ferry or plane時會用get on(但單車也用get on);但如登上計程車,私家車等,就用get in
以下的一段引用”common English Errors in Hong Kong David Bunton”
”One gets 'on' a large vehicle like bus, train, tram, ferry or plane - and also a bicycle, where one is literally on top of it. However, one get 'in' a tax or car. One difference, perhaps, is that one bends down to get into a car/taxi but walks upright or steps up to get on a bus/train/tram/ferry/plane.
One the other hand, one gets 'in' a lift but 'on' an escalator.”

2008-04-11 7:22 pm
應該是用 get on,登上之意思。
Get in 通常用於對話式或相對之空間較大。
2008-04-11 8:42 am
Get in the bus, 因為巴士體積大, 入到去唔一定要坐住. 所以會用on. 而Get on the car 因為普通私家車一入到車就要坐下來. 所以用get on.

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