
2008-04-11 7:23 am

回答 (3)

2008-04-12 5:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
周文王問姜太公說 :
獎賞人民的目的 , 是用來讓人民得到鼓勵
處罰人民的目的 ,是用來讓人民知道警惕
我想要只獎賞一個人 , 就可以鼓勵到一百個人
想要只處罰一個人 , 就能警惕到所有人
如何才能作到這樣呢 ?
通常 , 獎勵人民 , 重要的是要人民相信你答應的獎勵會做到
處罰人民 , 重要的是要讓該受處罰的人民 , 不能有僥倖之心
當你這樣去獎勵或處罰人民時 , 人民都看的到聽的到
就算沒親眼看到 , 沒親耳聽到的人 , 也會在默默之中被感化
真實的態度 可以在世上流傳無阻 , 也能通達神明 , 何況是對人民呢 ?

此篇是在強調文王的仁心 , 不想多罰 , 但又不能不罰
(賞只是用來陪襯) , 想要能最少的處罰達到最大的警惕作用 .
太公知道文王的心意 , 特別強調 , 該處罰的人 , 不能讓他有僥倖之心, 否則處罰就失去它的功能 , 無法警惕人民
參考: 希望可以幫到你
2008-04-12 6:53 am
The award and punishment tenth king wen asked that the great-grandfather said: Enjoys therefore saves urges, punishes shows to punish. I want to enjoy one urge hundred, punishes one punishes the audiences, how for it? The great-grandfather said: Every with the enjoying expensive letter, with punishing expensive must. Enjoys the letter to punish must smell in the informer, then not smelling none who does not cloudy. Husband honest smoothly in world, passes in the gods, much less in human.
參考: me
2008-04-11 11:59 pm
Stick 11
Wang asked Tagong said: tours of persuading Therefore, it showed Correctional impunity. Yu Yu tours to persuade a hundred, to a fine of Correctional Services public it? Tagong said: All tours are by Takanobu with impunity to your will. Tours letter in the eyes and ears of impunity must have heard see, hear not see the entourage of ei Yam. Chang Cheng-fu in the world, the gods-in, and the status of people in between.

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