✔ 最佳答案
I just called cingular, now is "AT&T" for you.
You CANNOT use that card any more. You have to buy a new one.
if you have US address, SSN# you can order on line and they mail to you at US$5.95.(You can ask you friend do that for you.)
otherwise you have to buy at shop at $30.00
their web site is:
2008-04-11 07:46:52 補充:
你唔知乜係SSN#,即係你冇.甘你一定唔可以簽合約開台.只可能到埗後用Passport 買perpay card.
2008-04-11 09:34:40 補充:
其實你有冇friend係US可以幫你上台?如果你自己係HK帶部三頻或四頻機過嚟.甘唔要佢部機嘛唔使簽長約攞!rateplan 始終都便宜過perpay 好多!如果你朋友啲分鐘用唔曬.加你入去都係$10一個月.US係貴D,鬼咩!HK有幾個網駱商?美國大嘅得三個.
係唐人街買長途電話咭用手機打係要計air time,如果有computer.考慮吓用Skype.