
2008-04-11 5:27 am

1995年拉賓 (Rabin) 被暗殺,成功的機會被扼殺。他的繼任人內塔尼亞胡 (Binyamin Netanyahu) 在談判過程中遇上困難重重。在他執政期間,以色列定居點在西岸和加沙地帶得以擴展,恐怖分子活動增多。

埃胡德巴拉克 (Ehud Barak) 在1999年當選,他承諾從黎巴嫩南部的「安全區」撤軍,以色列軍隊和黎巴嫩真主黨 (Hezbollah) 遊擊隊成員一直在這裡互放大炮。隨著軍隊在2000年5月撤出,黎巴嫩真主黨迅速進入,在密集的火力下迫使以色列士兵混亂撤出。然而,在巴拉克掌舵時,以色列自1967年起最更接近能解決以巴爭端。在大衛營 (Camp David) ,意義深遠的提議被擱到談判桌上,目的是為了確保安全,停止恐怖活動。巴勒斯坦人拒絕這個建議,有關耶路撒冷的地位、巴勒斯坦難民的回歸權,和建立最終定居地的等問題陷於僵局。 錯失了大好良機,狀況開始迅速惡化。隨後沙龍到耶路撒冷的阿克薩/聖殿山 (al-Aqsa/Temple Mount) 作挑釁性的訪問,巴勒斯坦權力機構的員警和以色列士兵在西岸發生戰鬥。是次戰鬥造成傷亡眾多,結果於 2000年時有3百人喪生 。

在2001 年,強硬派的沙龍取代了巴拉克,象徵了政策上的改變。911事件使以色列人更加沉重,巴勒斯坦的激進分子被稱為是「第二次起義」。沙龍對於巴勒斯坦恐怖分子的追查,並未阻止巴勒斯坦人的自殺式炸彈襲擊。


回答 (2)

2008-04-11 5:47 am
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In September, 1995 Palestinians and Israel signed the Tarba agreement, the Israeli forces have withdrawn from West Bank's 7 chief cities successively, by the Palestine autonomous. on May 4, 1996, Palestinians and Israel started to carry on the first run discussion about the Palestinian final stage negotiations.

In 1995 Rabin (Rabin) is assassinated, the success opportunity is strangled. His successor Nethanyahu (Binyamin Netanyahu) meets in the negotiation process is beset with difficulties. Is in power the period in him, the Israeli settlement can expand in West bank and the Gaza Strip, the terrorist activity increases.

Egyptian Hood Balac (Ehud Barak) was elected in 1999, he pledged that from the southern Lebanon “the safe area” the withdrawal of troops, the Israeli forces and the Hezbollah (Hezbollah) guerrilla force members has put the cannon mutually in here. Withdrew along with the army in May, 2000, the Hezbollah entered rapidly, forced the Israeli soldiers under the crowded firepower to withdraw chaotic. However, when Balac operates the rudder, Israel most was closer from 1967 can solve the Israel-Palestine conflict. In Camp David (Camp David), the significance profound proposition is put to the conference table on, the goal is to ensure the security, stops the terrorism. The Palestinian resists 絕 this suggestion, the related Jerusalem's status, the Palestinian refugee's return power, settles down with the establishment the place and so on questions to be deadlocked finally. The error excellent good opportunity, the condition started to worsen rapidly. Afterward (al-Aqsa/Temple Mount) makes the provocation visit Sharon to Jerusalem's Al-Aqsa/Temple Mount, a Palestine capability mechanism police and the Israeli soldiers has the fight in West bank. This time fight causes the casualties to be numerous, result in 2000 when had 300 people to get killed.

2008-04-10 21:49:06 補充:
參考: 自己翻譯架,希望可以幫到你
2008-04-12 3:07 am
Ba signed pact in Taba by both parties in September, 1995, the Israeli troops successively withdrew from Jordan 7 main cities of the river west coast, by Ba Fang's autonomy.On May 4, 1996, Ba carried on a head concerning the Palestinian end stage negotiation with the beginning round talks.

In 1995 pull a guest(Rabin) is assassinated, the successful chance is strangled.His after let people inside tower Ni second Hu(Binyamin Netanyahu) in the process of negotiating in run into all the difficulties.At his ruling period, Israel settles down a point at the west coast and add sand district can expand, the terrible numerator activity increases.

Ai Hu2 De2 Barak(Ehud Barak) wins an election in 1999, he promises from"safe area" pullout of troops of Lebanese south, Israeli troops and the Lebanon true main party(Hezbollah) visit a shot team the member have been enlarging a firecracker with each other here.Withdraw from in May, 2000 along with the troops, the Lebanon true main party quickly gets into and force Israeli soldier in the bottom of the intensive thermodynamic power confusion withdraw from.However, when Barak steer, Israel has approached most more since 1967 and can solve Israeli & Pakistan point of dispute.At the Camp David(Camp David), the meaning profound proposal is put a negotiation table, purpose for ensuring a security, stop terrible activity.The Palestine refuses this suggestion, the position concerning Jerusalem, Palestine the returning of refugee return power and settle down the etc. problem of ground with establishment finally Be sunk to deadlock. Missed greatly good good opportunity, the condition beginning was quickly worse.The salon arrives Jerusalem later on

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