
2008-04-10 11:11 pm

回答 (1)

2008-04-11 6:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
人民幣 is the best choice as it will appreciate gradually by 6% yearly and market is expecting that it will have a one-shot appreciation soon. Furthermore, yo can enjoy higher interest than HKD and it got limited chance to depreciate. 歐羅 is the worst choics among the three as EUROLAND economy starts slowing down and ECB will cut rates soon, reducing EURO attractiveness. 澳洲幣 is not bad as it enjoys highest interest rate among the three and 澳洲 economy is also in strong form. On top of that, as long as Chinese economy remains robust, its exports of base materials can be kept rising, supporting 澳洲幣. However, you must bear risk as 澳洲幣 is fluctuating and you will subject to higher currency risk.

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