interesting news (20points!!)

2008-04-10 11:09 pm
is there any interesting and funny news recently?
please help me to find some examples in english
i want news that are very special..thanks!! ; )

回答 (1)

2008-04-10 11:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I'm bisexual, balm prince tells court
(SCMP) 04月 10日 星期四 00:03AM
The chief executive of analgesic-balm maker Pak Fah Yeow International, Stephen Gan Fock-wai, confessed his bisexuality in court yesterday and said he had brushed his right ha

nd against the private parts of a male taxi driver after being convinced the cabbie was sexually interested in him.
Gan took the stand at Eastern Court, accused of molesting two taxi drivers inside their cabs - one late at night in October and one in 2003.
"I felt that he was sexually interested in me," Gan said. He said he brushed his hand against the driver's private parts a few times in a sign that, "I'm OK for you, I can go further ... and he did not push me off". Gan said the driver, 34, had not objected to him placing his hand on his left thigh, before moving to his crotch.
Gan, known as the Prince of White Flower Oil after becoming the spokesman for the products of his family business, has pleaded not guilty to two counts of indecent assault. Gan is also a singer.
Gan said he hired the taxi for a ride home from Causeway Bay to Tai Hang on October 10. He said he was drunk and excited after finishing his first solo concert that day and he felt loved by his fans.
The driver had, "with excitement", suggested driving him around, which Gan considered a move to keep him longer, thinking the driver was a fan or wanted to make extra money.
Gan was convinced that the driver liked him because during their one-hour ride he did not object to his behaviour, which he said was not offensive. He denied groping the driver's crotch.

2008-04-10 15:26:55 補充:
He admitted he had sat next to the driver in the front seat, rested his right hand on the man's left thigh on and off, gradually moved close enough to touch his private parts, and said the driver became aroused twice.

2008-04-10 15:27:09 補充:
Gan said the driver had agreed to park his car before accompanying him to his apartment and offering to go inside with him at his door.

2008-04-10 15:27:21 補充:
But Gan had the wrong keys and the driver became panicky, the court heard. Gan said he felt the driver's disappointment inside the cab during their next ride to get the keys from another apartment. Gan said he was certain the driver had the same sex urge at the time.

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He said he had flashed a HK$100 note and later a HK$500 note at the driver, but said the money was meant for the fare

2008-04-10 15:28:04 補充:
Yesterday's admission was Gan's first in public on his sexuality, which has been the subject of gossip after he entered show business as a singer in the 1990s.

2008-04-10 15:28:20 補充:
Gan, 46, who is single and of the Buddhist faith, was spotted reading a pocket-sized Buddhist script and saying prayers during breaks in court proceedings.

2008-04-10 15:28:59 補充:
Gan also said it had been his habit to sit in the front seat when he rode a taxi alone or while being driven alone by his chauffeur

2008-04-10 15:29:12 補充:
Gan denied taking a ride with the driver involved in the charge dating from 2003, who has accused him of forcing his hand inside his trousers and rubbing his private parts for 10 minutes

2008-04-10 15:29:26 補充:
Lawrence Lok Ying-kam SC, for Gan, accused the driver, 37, of fabrication to frame his client after gathering details from a newspaper report on the other taxi driver.

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Magistrate Winston Leung Wing-chung will hear submissions in the case tomorrow.

The court has ordered that the names of the two taxi drivers be suppressed.

2008-04-10 15:31:16 補充:

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