一個極艱巨的問題? 誰人知道事假的英文怎樣寫?

2008-04-10 5:37 pm
請問誰人知不知道事假的英文怎樣寫呢? 病假是leave sick ,但究竟事假是什麼呢?

回答 (2)

2008-04-10 6:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
病假 Sick leave
事假 Casual Leave/ Compassionate Leave/ Leave of absence for personal reason
婚假 Marriage Leave
喪假 Funeral Leave / Leave of absence due to death in family
產假 Maternity leave

hope to help U
2008-04-10 5:52 pm
事假可以叫 causal leave, 如果係扣錢果隻, 可以叫 no pay leave.

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