
2008-04-10 12:33 pm
我有個好重要既朋友就快係美國結婚, 請我去飲, 但係我有d問題, 希望大家可以幫忙!!

1) 我自己做freelance做左好多年, 無入收證明, 又無公司信back up, 銀行又無10萬8萬, 照常理係唔係10成都唔會批visa畀我? (因為之前聽過有同樣case既人連參加旅行社既tour都唔簽?!)

2) 如果我呢個background去apply有機會的話(如有special case), 咁我可以點做? 要有d咩要求呢? (例如銀行戶口有幾多錢? 要做d咩先會批?)

3) 有無d偏門少少既方法? (比如係join d短期課程or問人借錢擺係戶口定係點? 其實公司信係唔係咁重要?!)

4) 如果真係入到境, 想由L.A.去San francisco(或者先去San fran再去LA都得!, 因為還掂去開美國, 就探埋其他朋友@_@), 有咩方法? 最快要幾耐? 搭咩交通工具? 如果渣車去要幾耐?

5) 香港飛美國機票市價幾多錢左右? (平就得! 轉機唔係問題!)

希望真係有人幫到我啦~ 因為我真係非常之想參加我最最最好朋友既wedding!!!

回答 (4)

2008-04-10 7:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案

機會係微 D. 不過都可以試下既. 如果你做開 freelance. 一定有 D profile 係手 ka ma. 另外都會有收入. 例如對方公司出比你既 cheque 之類. 帶晒去做証明先 lor.
冇短期 course 之類 ka. 仲難申請!
LA 同 SFO 之間有條叫 highway ONE 既. 好出名 ka. 揸車一次過行晒8小時以上. 我都揸過. 如搭機當然快好多啦. 揸車我係揸下停下咁. 觀光埋 ka la ma. 仲況途過左一晚 tim! 如果你得一個人, 就唔好喇.
香港直飛 LA 或 SFO 機票約 $8000. 視乎旺淡季. 都差幾遠 ka. 直航應該得 CX or UA.
2008-04-10 4:09 pm
Honestly it is very hard for a female to get a US travel and student visa. You can try to ask the travel agency for advise but the chances are really low.

Tricky way is to apply a travel visa to come to Canada then join the local travel agent to L.A or San Fran is much easier.

About the air fare, you should call the travel agent and find out the cheapest deal, sometimes they do have special deal.

Good luck la
2008-04-10 1:59 pm
It is very unlikely that you can get a tourist visa via normal application to the US Embassy.

The only helpful way is to join a package tour of a travel agency, then you can also ask the travel agency to apply a tourist visa for you. In this case you are considered as travelling in a tour group, which is much easier to get the visa.

As for the transportation from LA to San Fran, or vice versa, by plane is fastest. The cheapest way is to take the bus - grey hound, but it will take a long time.

Good luck for you visa application !
參考: Myself
2008-04-10 1:31 pm
USA 不.會.批 VISA 比.你 !
你 無 得 去 San Francisco,
或 者 去 LA !,
因 為 美 國 自 911
就 不 批 准 窮 人 , 無 工 作 人 士 來 USA 探 朋 友 了 .

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