甘 泉 OASIS 停 飛, 請 問 是 誰 殺 死 它 ?

2008-04-10 8:10 am
香 港 人 的 甘 泉 OASIS 停 飛 了 !
請 問 是 誰 殺 死 它 ?

甘 泉 OASIS 停 飛 了 ! 個..名..不..吉...利 甘..心..落..黃...泉

回答 (6)

2008-04-10 2:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
如果甘泉係一間美國的航空公司, 它的結業, 對於美國佬來講不算咩大新聞. 但因為它是一間香港的航空公司, 香港人對於自己地方的航空公司停飛結業, 反應特别過敏.

而家係自由竞争的市塲經濟, 燃油价格不斷上漲, 一班機起飛的成本就好高; 另外, 甘泉開辦的两條長途航線, 其中溫哥華航線在淡季係嚴重入不敷出, 吸引人的超平特价機票, 一班機中只賣几十張, 賣完晒, D客就未必肯去買貴咗少少的正常票价機票, 因為貴价的機票同其它大航空公司無區别, 情况导致有時候商務客位多人坐,但經濟客位有一半座位丢空, 这又同公司當初选購高載客量的Boeing747有好大關係...

參考: 自己idea
2008-04-11 6:10 am
Here is the four reason to kill Oasis Airline.
1: The fuel is becoming very expensive, that the cost of each air ticket become more expensive, at about $8000 each ticket. But, Oasis Airkine sell each air ticket for about $6000. So, Oasis airline cannot find money but lose money in this 2 years.
2: Members of the Oasis Airline belittle(睇小) the change of the marketing(市場)<想不到如何表達, sorry*10000>
3: Oasis Airline is a small structure of airline. It isn't as large as Cathay Pacific or Air Canada, maybe smaller than 港龍. So, when Oasis Airline want to ask the bank to lend money, some of the bank will not lend to them. And, Oasis Airline cannot find a bank to lend money, so it doesn't have money to 週轉. It becomes poor and poor.
4: In the beginning, the officials(高層) decide to rent(租) aeroplane to other airlines. But in a unclearly reason(I guess is this airline doesn't have enough planes to rent), Oasis Airline need to buy aeroplane. You know each plane cost few millions of dollars. So, after they buy the aeroplane, their economic crisis become more serious. So, with the first problem(above), Oasis Airline live in this world with a lot of hardship.

So, at last, Sai Yo La La~~~~

(A little opinion from others: I heard the live time of a airline that establish(創辦) by clergyman is very short. Some example can be find in the past. Oasis Airline, is established by clergyman. What is the point in this problem? Is it because the god-Jessue doesn't want the clergyman give up in widespread(對外宣揚) the love, ideas from God, so he becomes angry and disturb the clergyman in their airline bussiness?

(Thank you for watching!!!)

2008-04-10 22:18:33 補充:
Although Oasis airline live in the world with serious hardship, but the pressure that from Oasis Airline make the other airlines feel hard. That is the cheap air tickets.

2008-04-10 22:18:51 補充:
Cheap things are HK people's favourite things. So, a lot of people buy air tickets from Oasis, the percentage of the perssangers in each plane is about 99%. So, other airlines have to decrease the price of each ticket, like Air Canada, each air ticket cost $8000-$9000.

2008-04-10 22:18:58 補充:
But, after decrease price, each cost $5000. So, you can see that although Oasis Airline is weak, It still have a large pressure to other airlines.

2008-04-10 22:21:00 補充:
sorry for too many 亂碼
參考: Me, Radio: 香港電台, mum
2008-04-11 2:56 am
2)london(hkd:3,180) & vancouver(hkd:4,480) 減價兼夾加航班,佢終於捱唔住,結業!
4)以後london & vancouver無cheap air ticket
2008-04-11 12:47 am
做生意呢d野, 失敗係好多原因, 環境, 自己......好多各方面

商業世界, 係唔會有情講, 只會係大家爭餐死

其實要怪, 就只有怪佢地心頭高, 與及佢地本身係外行人, 再者, 廉價航空, 其實唔係咁run 的............

(自己都係機場過內人, 其實由甘泉第一日運作開始, 我已覺得佢地的marketing好錯好失敗.我地行內人由一開始就已睇唔好)


佢地一開始就飛洲際航斑, 根本就係大錯特錯, 同廉價航空本身的性質完全相反............. 又要做國際線,又要平,所以咪一斑斑咁蝕錢.....唉,呢個方法, 邊會work,由第一日開始根本就睇唔好.

如果佢地心頭唔係咁高, 租隻細機, 只係飛亞洲線, 去東京,大阪,台灣,新加坡,泰國......等等, 個情況我好相信係大大不同,仲會越做越大,最起碼因行航程近,一日可以走多幾轉,錢都易搵d........ 邊會得到今日的下場

再者, 同行如敵國, 國泰呢d一早都係想你死, 只係人地財力及經驗比你多, 呢2樣野都夠贏你......

查實我地機場人, 都想香港真係有間廉價航空去頂佢, 唔洗等佢地做 惡晒航空
參考: 機場人
2008-04-10 6:47 pm
根據世界的情況 廉價航空公司唔死,就傳統航空死的。
2008-04-10 10:42 am



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