Compounds/ complex sentence 問題

2008-04-10 8:02 am
Compounds sentence 和 complex sentence 有什麼分別?
Coumpound sentence是indepedent clauses組成?
而complex sentence是 depedent clauses組成?
有什麼條件可組成 depedent clauses和 indepedent clauses?

回答 (1)

2008-04-10 8:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
其實有兩種方法來分compound sentence和complex sentence,第一種看它們的連詞,
若兩句子句是用:and, but, or, so等連詞,那麼這句就通常是compound sentence
而若用if, though, when, till, as, that, 或關係代名詞,關係副詞等時,這句子就是complex sentence.
而另外一個方法,就是在compound sentence裏,兩個子句都是同等地位,沒有一個比另一個更重要,如:
He went up and I came down.(He went up和I came down都是同等地位,也沒有絕對關係)
It was raining hard, but he had to go.(雨下得很大,跟他得要走,這兩件事是同等地位,並且並沒有絕對的關係(因此,叫independent clause))
而complex sentence裏,兩句子句是互相有關係(這關係可能是:因果,前飾(釋)後,後飾(釋)前,時間性等關係,所以叫depent clause;並且其中一句的子句是主要子句),如:
If it is fine, he will go.這兩句子句,就有因果關係,而且主要子句是he will go.(因為他走不走是句子的重點)
I know that she is happy(that she is happy是用來說明,他知道甚麼,也就是後解釋前的關係,而主要子句是I know)
This is the man who came here this morning.(who came here this moring是用來修飾並限定the man是甚麼人,那就是後飾前的關係,而主要句子就是This is the man。)
還有:When he saw me, he ran away.(這兩句就交代了時間關係,交代了他甚麼時候走,he ran way是主要子句)

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