
2008-04-11 2:34 am
相關問題: https://hk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20071101000051KK03183

Hong Kong People do not understand, what is Dental Technicians (Cantonese :(Ah Four Key Kung). We receive some order from reg. dentist in Hong Kong or overseas. If you want to understand more go to www.hkstd.org Or web site of The Prince Philip Dental Hospital , Dental Technicians Section and the training course. But, the future of Dental Technicians is not good enough. It is due to Hong Kong dentist do not want to provide enrollment system for us. I hope that some government officials can help us. Over 100 countires have registration system for Dental Technicians. In Hong Kong, it is not fair. Thank you for your prompt and kind attention. www.gdc-uk.org In UK, Dental Technicians (Ah Four Key Kung ) should have enrollment system to protect our public health and stop spread out of virus. Hong Kong dentist is very not socially responsible. Thank you

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