Yellow River

2008-04-10 5:31 am
i) What adventage did Yellow River bring in Chinese history(please use point form)
ii)Please list major floods of the yellow river(please named the yesr and the event)
iii) Why Yellow River flooded of ten in history
iv) How chinese cpe with the flooding of the Yellow River(the methods)

** I want to know where u get the information too, Thx !!!!(e.g. the internet, books or others)

SORRY the question must be correct,, that means yellow river had flood......

回答 (2)

2008-04-17 1:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
Net me answer your questions
) What adventage did Yellow River bring in Chinese history(please use point form)

have water
started civilization
a protection for other nations attank
have fertile field for farming
to give food
ii)Please list major floods of the yellow river(please named the yesr and the event)
1996 1998
3656 people dead and 2.3 million people affected many people were homeless
iii) Why Yellow River flooded of ten in history

The river was narrow
have many curved place
many rain in the summer
people cannot calculate flooding easily
iv) How chinese cpe with the flooding of the Yellow River(the methods)

built dam
make the river wide
move to other place

參考: Atlas hong kong ,my kownledge
2008-04-11 8:29 am
Yellow River upper course is drought(dry up)
唔會dry up ga!
chang jiang 先會flooding,
therefore 先有 south to north water transfer scheme

2008-04-11 00:30:40 補充:
SOR,Yellow River upper course is drought(dry up)
唔會FLOODING!NOT 唔會dry up 打錯
參考: 自己knowledge

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