
2008-04-10 5:27 am
請幫我還完以下inversion 句子 同講解下呢種inversion點用

Found in San Francisco is Lombard Street, the so-called crookedest street in the world.

Lost among the old tables and chairs was the priceless Victorian desk.

回答 (3)

2008-04-10 6:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
Found in San Francisco is Lombard Street, the so-called crookedest street in the world
=> Lombard Street , the so-called crookedest street in the world,is found in San Francisco

Lost among the old tables and chairs was the priceless Victorian desk.
=>Among the old tables and chairs ,the priceless Victorian desk was lost.

inversion :
putting an adverb or a verb at the begining of sentence

Eg.: I never eat apples. => Never do I eat apples.
參考: HKCEE 5*
2008-04-11 4:23 am

Lombard Street, the so-called crookedest street in the world, is found in San Francisco.

The priceless Victorian desk was lost among the old tables and chairs.

Inversion 就是倒裝法吧。通常是有誇張意味的表達方法。以你的第一句子為例:把主詞 Lombard Street放在動詞之後,與平舖直述的句子即 Subject + Verb + ……不同,就是這倒裝的特色了。

Inversion除了有誇張作用外(第一句是誇張 San Francisco的無奇不有吧!)也可使創作不流於太枯悶。但不要誤會,用 Inversion去誇張或使創作多姿采,不能濫用,亦不能常用;也不見得可使作品好得多呢!
2008-04-10 8:48 am
Lombard Street, the so-called crookedest street in the world, is found in San Francisco.

The priceless Victorian desk was lost among the old tables and chairs.
參考: IMHO

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